Lessons from Donald Trum

Lessons from Donald Trum

No endorsements here one way or other. This is a look at a very interesting president who supposedly everyone loves to hate. He must have the most negative comments made of him of all candidates to date. But the Trump rolls on, not batting an eye lid. I myself did not...
We can’t anything and Drive

We can’t anything and Drive

Driving, Texting, Eating — all at once, requires some real skill, .. and a fair share of insanity. If you are reading this from here in America, driving is probably an integral part of your life (unless you are fortunate to live in those rare places where public...
Its not the guns..

Its not the guns..

Its not the Guns.. Over and over again, we are faced with a “mass” shooting. Yet again the politicians debate the gun control issue. Yet again, the discussion is on trying to find a solution to the symptom. Reduce guns, more stringent laws, increase...
Getting a Job or fulfilling your dream?

Getting a Job or fulfilling your dream?

Do we really need a job, or are we looking for work, something that fulfills our dreams? They mean two entirely different things. A job involves looking for someone who is going to tell you what you are doing to do, in return for some remuneration. This has no...